Andrea Becky Hanson


Andrea has created a profoundly integrated comprehensive holistic, multicultural, multidimensional approach due to her life experience on all levels and dimensions of being. She teaches in empowering energy healing, Emotional Fitness retreats, and opportunities for resolution, reconnection and rejuvenation for sustainable inner- peace, strength and knowing your unique soul's nature and purpose.

Founding Director of Merging Rivers Healing Practices, Inc.


To be announced

   Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Workshops for Sustainable Holistic Healing and Exceptional Personal Realization

2555 Silver Cloud Drive, Park City

All workshops are from 9 to 11 AM with Q & A and vegan treat and yogi tea afterwards

Please bring your yoga mat and water to drink

Suggested Donation is $20.00

(If you wish to be notified of scheduled dates, or to book private sessions or workshops, include the date/s you wish to attend and if you are bringing a guest please email to address below.                                               

Thank you and Sat Nam - Andrea   

       These Workshops are held at Andrea's  Indoor Home Studio  or Outdoor Yoga Patio Studio  depending on the season  2555 Silver Cloud Drive, Park City, Utah

Mid Summer Outdoor Yoga Studio

Mid Summer Outdoor Yoga Studio

Indoor Home Yoga StudioSpecial Yoga Events are also held at Wild Heart Sanctuary near Park City for rescuing and caring for wild mustangs

Indoor Home Yoga Studio

Special Yoga Events are also held at Wild Heart Sanctuary near Park City for rescuing and caring for wild mustangs

Mustangs 2.jpg



Connect with Andrea

On Going

Private Energy Psychology Healing Consultations - By Appointment

Never needed more… 

Private Healing Consultations offer personalized help and resolution of obstacles in any area of your life your desire to  heal, change, elevate and expand.

Connect with Andrea 

We can work in person or by phone, Zoom, Skype or Face Time from anywhere in the world.        

I look forward to working with you for your healing and your best life.



Andrea Using Experiential Teaching the Knowing of the Unseen and Unknown

Sunday Sunrise Yoga Celebration

Sunday Sunrise Yoga Celebration

An amazingly powerful time, like no other, with the Imperative to fully know your truth, to live from your heart, cultivate self responsibility and intention and experience and multidimensional skills, travel and the new limitless manifesting techniques. Live your deepest desires and unique and important destiny and Soul’s purpose.



The Unequaled, Ever Evolving, Healing and Manifesting Emotional Fitness Retreats

Since 2002

April 5-9, 2023 Advanced Emotional Victory Retreat Red Mountain Resort and Spa in Ivins, Utah

Now open for registration, the retreat for our for our new all dimensional life styles and instant manifestation skills.

Emotional Victory - Advanced Retreat- April 5-9, 2023

THE Retreat for The Times - exceptional & extraordinary powerful and empowering

breakthrough Emotional Fitness Victory Multidimensional and Galact Spiritual Science Experience

The Amazing Emotional Fitness Retreat, Red Mountain Resort, Ivins, Utah -

Life Changing Resonant Healing and Life Mastery Experience

What to Expect